Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ghetto Fabulous - High Chair Cover

Ok, this one might be a little more ghetto than fabulous, but I thought I'd share it anyways :) While buying a birthday gift at Marshalls a few weeks ago, I was SO close to having total self control, only buying the birthday gift, which is hard for me to do there!
... but then I spotted this fabulous pattern and my favorite color, on a ironing board cover! It was $7 in the clearance bin, and I just couldn't pass it up. I don't really know where the idea came from, but for some reason I thought,"hmm, could this thing fit on the high chair, that would be much cooler than the cheesy Graco cover :)?" So when I got home, I stuck it on, tucked the remaining fabric neatly under, and voila! It worked! Give it a try, easy to stick on, and even easier to take off to wash! 


Melissa said...

HA HA! You amaze me with your creativity...and it is FABULOUS! I still remember you saying "give me junk and I can do something with it...give me new stuff and I will have no idea what to do with it." You have a gift darling, embrace it!

Melissa said...

What a great idea!!! I've been wondering how to fix the high chair cover I have because its a hand me down and its stained and greasy. They don't sell new covers over here so I'm definitely going to try that!! Thanks friend!!!